Tomato Update: We’re Growing a Jungle!

This summer has been non-stop projects for me and Mike.  No surprise, my favorite of all of the projects are our raised beds.  I’ve been taking photos of them almost every week to track our progress and I am quite frankly amazed by the jungle of tomato plants that has grown up in seven short weeks.  Still no ripe tomatoes, but we’ve got some set fruit and lots of flowers…so, stay tuned!

Day One: 5/19/2018

5/19/2018 - day one, all plants in their places


We added a giant squash (Tahitian) that Mike got through the 95033 trading network.



6/25/2018: first fruit - Sungolds!
6/25/2018: first fruit – Sungolds!



Started the day by pruning and staking this mess.  Next year, I will try to prune the plants before they get so big…

7/8/2018 - overgrown plants
7/8/2018 – our plants have clearly outgrown their cages.
7/8/2018 - after pruning & staking
7/8/2018 – after pruning & staking

Here’s a shot from the same vantage point as all of the others, so it’s easy to see how much the plants have grown.  Every week, we are just amazed.


Fruit is coming!!!